More Espanso & Emacs Shenanigans

Now that I use my local machine to draft all my posts, desktop Emacs makes everything easier … with one exception. It swallows up a lot of my Espanso expansions.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hi! Am I right, you have been using built-in native module on X11? There is also “x11_use_xclip_backend” option, which I use, with no issues with predefined jumpings.

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hello! :slight_smile:
Yes, i do use that option. and it still hassles every once in a while.

I’ve not yet read your previous posts, so forgive me if you’ve covered this ground before.

Have you considered the following?

Emacs Everywhere - let’s you edit text for any web or GUI form in Emacs then populate the GUI form.

Emacs abbrev, yasnippets, hippie-expand are all very powerful text expansion tools for Emacs.

By all means use the tools that best fit your needs. But I am curious why you chose an external tool like Espanso instead of using tools within Emacs?

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This is really cool! Thank you for sharing! I’ll try and pick up one of these if Espanso continues bugging me :slight_smile:

The main reason I use Espanso is because I want system-wide expansions. Not just in Emacs.

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